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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Photoshop CS4: Spot Healing Brush / Patch Tool

A beginner tutorial walk through for the patch tool / healing brush tool.


Photoshop CS6: How to use the Content-Aware Scale feature

This Photoshop tutorial shows how to change the aspect ratio of an image using the Content-Aware Scale feature.

Photoshop CS6: Using the Content-Aware Move tool

This Photoshop CS6 tutorial explores using the Content-Aware Move tool to automatically fill in the background behind moved subjects in photos. 

How to use the Photoshop CS6 Crop tool

This Photoshop CS6 tutorial describes how to use the new, redefined Crop tool including discussion of crop overlays and new settings.

Photoshop CS6: Working with masks

This Photoshop tutorial discusses how to use masking techniques to improve your work, including working with layers and the Brush tool.

Photoshop CS6: Body sculpting with Liquify

This Photoshop CS6 tutorial describes how to use Liquify for photo retouches including subtle changes to a subject's hair and body. 

Saturday, December 29, 2012

How to change hair colour in Photoshop CS3

A Photoshop CS3 tutorial on changing peoples hair colour. I assume it would work in previous versions as long as the same tools or similar tools are available.

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Tutorial: Quick Selection Tool

Similar to the Magic Wand Tool, The Quick Selection Tool allows us to grab large areas with ease. The exception is it acts like a brush, allowing you to adjust the size and so on.

Photoshop CS3 Tutorial: Layers for Beginners

This is a tutorial for beginners. It explains what layers are and how they are useful when working on an image, and provides basic instructions on creating, moving, repositioning and naming layers.

Photoshop CS4 tutorial : How to Swap Faces and Makeover

Photoshop CS4 tutorial : How to Swap Faces and Makeover

Photoshop CS4 Tutorial: Create a Colorful Aurura Effect

earn about the techniques used to create those glowing vibrant color effects that you see so often in web design these days!

Friday, December 28, 2012

How to create lens flares

How to create lens flares

How to control brush textures

How to control brush textures

Painting using the Wacom tablet

Painting using the Wacom tablet

How to enhance Color Balance in Photoshop

How to enhance Color Balance in Photoshop

Photoshop CS4 One-on-One Advanced

Photoshop CS4 One-on-One Advanced

Photoshop CS4: Smart Objects

Photoshop CS4: Smart Objects

Photoshop CS4 Extended for 3D

Photoshop CS4 Extended for 3D

Photoshop CS4 Retouching: Fashion Photography Projects

Fashion Photography Projects

Photoshop CS4 for Photographers: Creative Color

 Creative Color

Photoshop CS4 & Illustrator CS4 New Features

Photoshop CS4 for Photographers

, learn how to create a mask using the quick selection tool in Photoshop CS4

The Content-Aware Scale tool

This Photoshop CS4 tutorial shows how the Content-Aware Scale tool can transform an image while keeping the main objects intact. 

Resizing and resampling images

This Photoshop tutorial shows how to resize and resample an image.

How to whiten teeth

This Photoshop CS5 tutorial discusses how to use the Hue/Saturation option, and masking techniques to enhance and whiten teeth.

Using Content-Aware Fill in Photoshop CS5

This Photoshop CS5 tutorial discusses how to use Content-Aware Fill to move image elements, and remove elements from an image. 

Using the Quick Select tool

This Photoshop CS5 tutorial discusses how to use the Quick Select tool to remove background elements from your image. 

How to resize digital images

This Photoshop CS5 tutorial demonstrates how to resize image dimensions, resolution, and more.

How to adjust contrast in Photoshop

This Photoshop tutorial shows how to make contrast adjustments to an image using the Levels, Brightness/Contrast, and Curves tools. 

How to resize digital images

This Photoshop CS5 tutorial demonstrates how to resize image dimensions, resolution, and more.

How to composite a person

This Photoshop tutorial explores how to composite two dissimilar images to make one realistic-looking picture.

How to retouch eyes

This Photoshop tutorial explores how to sharpen and illuminate the eyes of a subject in a photograph.

Blending multiple images together

This Photoshop CS5 tutorial discusses how to work with the Blend Mode menu to combine multiple images together.

Combining multiple images

This Photoshop CS5 tutorial demonstrates how to consolidate multiple picture files into cohesive groups and how to create layered documents.

Enhancing photographs using the Photoshop Puppet Warp feature

This Photoshop CS5 tutorial explores techniques for retouching a variety of photographs using the Puppet Warp feature.

How to remove garment wrinkles

This Photoshop tutorial discusses how to retouch folds and reduce wrinkles that appear on garments.

HDR Pro and HDR Toning

This Photoshop tutorial discusses how to use HDR (High Dynamic Range) Pro and HDR Toning to merge multiple images.

Using the Refine Edge command

This Photoshop tutorial discusses the Refine Edge command, and demonstrates how it helps you work with masks.